Friday, 21 March 2008

edit magazine logo

OK so after deciding my new magazine is going to be called edit, I have developed ideas and come up with this logo. The concept is relating web to print, as this magazine will be doing. Therefore the bitmap font has been used, and don't's not going to be bitmap fonts throughout the magazine! The square has been created from the grid system I am using in the magazine and the extended line throughout the edit logotype will continue through the back page of the magazine. This line represents a minus sign to link in with the edit theme - edit magazine will be a magazine where creatives submit work and the work submitted will be edited down to make a magazine.

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Visual Arts Course

Myself and fellow student Tom Myers are to create a hybrid catalogue for the Visual Arts course at Salford University. A brief at Uni undertaken by graphic design third years was to create a catalogue for the Visual Arts end of year show. My pitch was successful aswell with Toms, so now we are creating a hybrid catalogue.

Tom's front cover imagery will be used in my catalogue format and layout along with the website designs I created. As I will work on the catalogue and web design, Tom will be producing an invitation to the show, and promotional posters.

Sunday, 2 March 2008

Visual Practice Initial Test Video

It's not finished yet but my visual practice video is getting there, and with about 4 weeks to go I am well on track. My main deliverable will be a book but I am also producing a video, and website flats. Like I say its not finished so any feedback would be appreciated and taken into consideration while I am still editing.