Monday, 21 April 2008

edit Magazine Cover Images

OK.... so I had photoshoots throughout the day and here are some teaser's for y'all. For a few different reasons I decided on the subject / model to be a University tutor - which links into the whole inspiration aspect of the magazine. But for future issues, the front cover would or could be portrait photography of any contributor to the magazine.

So many thanks to Alan Heighton and Tash Willcocks for being great sports and beautiful models. I have just randomly picked a shot of each model, and the debate of the final images will begin on Thursday 24th.

Sunday, 20 April 2008

edit Magazine Cover

Photoshoots will be taking place throughout the day of Monday 21st April to create a full bleed front / back cover for my magazine. Its exciting times..... let's hope all goes well....


As an extra project at University - all students were given the chance to re-brand the company, miniBreaks. Students were to come up with initial ideas which would then be reviewed by the big guys at miniBreaks.....And they chose me! wahaay! I now have a meeting with the Managing Director and the other big boys this coming Monday. A great opportunity to re-brand an already big company that is growing very quickly.

Have a look at their current existing brand....