Saturday, 23 February 2008

Visual Practice

A open brief at university to visually represent "relationship". I decided to create a fun brief around the relationship between human form and typographic form. The typgraphic grid would be represented by the contiboard box in which the models would form the alphabet in. I will be making a photographic book, video and website flats.

Friday, 22 February 2008

Final Major Project

For my final major project at University I am going to create a magazine that will hopefully get printed, and have a website. The magazine will feature existing students graduates and professional in the design industry. This magazine will give students exposure while also showcasing current talent from all over England and maybe abroad. I am in very early stages of this project but I already have some super talented people be continued.

Tuesday, 19 February 2008


I created his new website for Horizon-Media which needed to be different. The two page website tells the user everything they need to know. The streaming video adds to the viewers experience.

Hacienda / Sankeys

Working alongside Subvert Magazine, myself and 2 friends collected footage of the Hacienda celebration night at Sankeys, Manchester. The special event included top DJ's including Peter Hook who also brought Rowetta with him to perform a couple of songs. The long night was full of passion and energy. To find out more visit my site at

Peter Hook Interview

Throughout December and January myself and 2 friends have been working closely with Subvert Magazine on producing a small film/documentary about the history of the Hacienda, Peter Hook and what he is up to nowadays.

Here are some of the pics frm the Peter Hook Interview. I was pretty nervous at first but he was down to earth and really laid back which helped alot. Overall it was a great experience, especially to meet such a legend as Peter Hook.

Monday, 18 February 2008

Anders Brogaard

I recently came across the fashion photographer Anders Brogaard and was amazed by some of his images. In categories Fashion, Beauty and Editorial he creates images with impact. Anders has studios in Denmark and recently London, and has recently been advertised in Le Book.

I have been commisioned by Anders to create his new online portfolio that will be updated frequently to keep the site fresh. I am currently working on concepts and I will keep you posted on developments.

Sunday, 17 February 2008

Code School

If you want to work for a digital design agency outside of the London, Code Computerlove is definitey the place to be! They win awards left right and centre for creating digital answers. Code Computerlove is full of design geeks, which is a good thing as I class myself as one. (A design geek is somebody who has immense passion for design and gives 100% commitment).

Over the last few years, Code has won a total of 39 industry awards. So far in 2008, Code has been voted North West Digital Agency of the Year - The Drum and Eighth in Revolution Magazine's Top 10 Ranking UK Digital Agencies, as voted for by clients (joint first for ROI). Code's client list includes HMV, Waterstone's, Kimberly Clark Corporation, PZ Cussons, Crown, Lex, Epson, First Transpennine Express, Premier Foods, NUS and Hillary's. the point. Code School is a program in it's first year to find the best young talent around. After various interviews I got selected with three other students to gain experience from the Code School, which ultimately helps our development as designers. Other various benefits come from Code School, such as individual mentors, studio experience, trips to design lectures. I am very privileged to be be part of this and very proud of myself for getting this far.

Visit their website to have a gander yourself:

Saturday, 16 February 2008

Cinema 4D

A personal project to learn the basics of Cinema 4D, an understanding of both 2D and 3D design would be benefitial to any designer in my opinion. Here I have started to design a dream house, one day if i'm rich it could actually come true. I will keep updating on this little project, but you can also see more at my website.

SpaRitual Newsletter

An A3 foldout newsletter was created for SpaRitual to promote the company and its product's. The template would be used for a bi-monthly newsletter.

SpaRitual brochure

Commisioned by SpaRitual to design a contemporary and professional brochure. Grid structure, type hierarchy, composition and layout were all significant factors. Spot UV elements were used on particular parts of the catalogue which add to the viewers experience.


A private event around christmas time 2007 promoted The Thrills and Burtons Menswear. Along with a few fellow students we were asked to produce a short video from the secret event at Ruby Lounge, Manchester.

My personal interpritation of the brief can be seen on my website.

A big day in the cup

Today we (Manchester United) play Arsenal in the fixed FA Cup 5th Round. This game is absoutely massive in it's own right, but after the happenings of last weekend, even more pressured is added on United.

50 years after the Busby Babes, it just so happened that the closest game to February 6th would be against Manchester City. The boys didn't turn up and it probably was the worst performance I have ever seen, and as I have been a season ticket holder at Old Trafford since I was 5, that is a big statement. I really don't understand how our players didn't get motivation from the Busby Babes. Not one of our players give 100% and it was disgraceful! The occasion was overwhelming and although I hate to say must be given to the City fans inside the stadium on that day as they reserved themselves from disrupting the emotional occasion.

So after last weekend's very negative performance, the boys have a chance to bounce back.....against Arsenal, which should automatically motivate our players. With Rooney and Evra back and with Arsenal's injury worries, a victory is on the cards.

Friday, 15 February 2008

My very own blog

It seemed like everybody had a blog apart from here it very own blog. Enjoy!